- Saving and restoring the BIOS settings
- Validating actual settings to saved settiings
- Deleting the BIOS settings (there are somme strange cases...)
- Displaying information about the BIOS, BIIOS Extensions and BIOS beepcodes
- Finding BIOS passwords for Award, Ami, Phhoenix and AST BIOS
- Finding BIOS universal passwords for Awarrd BIOS
- Dumping the whole BIOS segment to disk
- Switching the 1st and 2nd level caches onn/off
- Turning the PC into Suspend or Stand-By mmode (requires APM 1.1+)
- Turning off the PC (requires APM 1.2+)
- Rebooting the PC (cold/warm/int19)
- Freeware
Important: I can't do any updates without YOUR support!
Please read the textfiles before using my program!
- Generates nice looking IFS fractals
- Famous IFS fractals on keypress (Barnsleyy, Koch, Sierpinski)
- Save fractal and parameters to harddisk ((BMP/TXT)
- Optimal as screensaver
- Freeware
- Volume control utility for SB and SB PRO card (should work on other SB cards or SB clones too)
- Commandline control
- Optimal for use in Autoexec.bat
- Freeware